Free Serum Presets + Other Goodies


What’s inside:

  • Serum presets + wavetables, made by me

  • My Phat Rack, a patcher preset for use in FL Studio that I use to thicken my basses

  • A custom Serum skin, courtesy of LuukMans

  • All completely free with no catch; simply click the link and download


My Software, Plugins, Sample Packs, & PC Specs

DAW: I have historically used FL Studio Signature Bundle, always with the latest update. I recommend Producer Edition for most people. Fruity Edition is missing features and I don’t recommend it. Since November 2020 I’ve switched to REAPER which I love, but I don’t recommend it for beginners, as the benefit of it is that it’s extremely customizable. FL Studio is more beginner friendly and streamlined, so until you know exactly what you want in a DAW, REAPER isn’t as beneficial. However, REAPER is extremely cheap and has a basically unlimited trial period so if you are short on money, then REAPER is the best low-cost option. Since late 2023 I’ve been using Ableton Live for dubstep / other bass music, primarily because it’s so popular and it makes it easier to collaborate with other artists.

Plugins & Libraries:

Main Plugins / Ecosystems: FabFilter Suite, Kilohearts Suite, Valhalla Reverbs

Generators: Phase Plant, Vital, Serum, Kontakt, Opus (w/ Composer Cloud)

Instrument Libraries: Metropolis Ark 3, Spitfire Hammers, Tom Holkenborg Drums, Ethno World 6, Orange Tree Samples Guitars

Other: Trash 2, Guitar Rig 6, TH-U, ShaperBox 3

Sample Packs:

My #1 source of samples is Splice. With Splice you pay a monthly subscription for a certain number of credits which you can convert into samples to download. They have a huge library of sounds. Invite link:

Here are my top sample packs:

Sounds of KSHMR (all volumes) - Great packs with a little bit of everything, and great drums.

Cinetools packs - Cinetools is a company that makes samples for trailers and movies, but they work extremely well for atmosphere and other cool elements. They also have some great drums.

Leviathan (all volumes) - Another great “jack of all trades” collection of samples from Black Octopus. The FX and cymbals are especially useful.

Otherwise there are many little packs I’ve gotten throughout years from Splice, Black Octopus, or Loopmasters. People often ask what packs I use for my drums. I mainly use Sounds of KSHMR + random samples on Splice. Just browse Splice and you can find tons of great drums.

My PC Specs:

I use a Lenovo Legion laptop with an RTX 3070, 5800H 8-core CPU, 32GB RAM, 4TB of storage.

When getting a PC for music production, the most important thing is having a kickass CPU with as many cores as possible, and at least 16 GB of RAM. A desktop is always better than a laptop unless you travel a lot (which I do, so I use a laptop).